How to Save a Project as a New Project, With Audio?

This Cubase audio folder thing is frustrating. When I “Save As” my project, I want the audio files to be saved under the new project’s folder.

Why is that so difficult? Am I missing something?



File > Back up Project.

Is that it?

You know, I did that on a project. Then when I reopened Cubase it asked me if I wanted to keep the backup. I just closed the dialog, and it deleted my project.


If Cubase asked you if you want to open the backup, it means, there was some *bckp file created by Cubase, and this *.bckp file was newer than the *.cpr file. So Cubase probably crashed and didn’t save all data properly, but (luckily), there was a backup file.

Here is the Back up Project function description.

As per the thread subject, lets say I am working on a project called “Version1”. I want to keep that, and start another project called “Version2”.

How will you achieve that? Backup, then rename the backup??


If you will share the same Audio material, then I would just Save As. If you need to separate the Audio material version from version, go for Back up Project.

Thanks Martin. What happens is I have a project I had been using, and I want to start a totally new project with the same setup but with all track clips deleted. And I don’t have a template of that setup.

So, Backup it is, it seems.



You can backup it. Then you have to delete all Audio events and parts and then empty the Pool.

Or you can delete all Audio Events and parts, empty the Pool and make a Template out of it, if you want to use this severalties.

Can you elaborate on “the pool”? Isn’t that the audio files? Thanks.

Confusing thread.

Mainly, you need to understand the concepts and vocabulary first by reading about these functions in the manual.

  • Autosave is what produces .bak files
  • File: Save New version is like Save As, but saves a new project and increments a number at the end of the filename.
  • Backup Project creates a new Project and Project folder, and depending on the options you choose in the process, all or some audio and video files.

Learning about this stuff will help you avoid the nightmare of losing someones’s recording session or composition as a result of doing the wrong thing, as you saw.

Also, apart from all this, have a file backup scheme that is completely independent of Cubase.

Cannot be overstated. Preferably on a separate drive in case the audio drive fails. You can go for years without ever needing to use it, but just a couple of days ago I accidentally deleted a file from the pool thinking it was one I just bounced. Heart would have been in my throat seeing all those flat lines in the project window, but it was so easy just to replace it from the backup. Whew.

Yes! Not having such a backup scheme is like not wearing your seatbelt, but with a higher possibility for catastrophe.

Although to be fair there is usually less chance of death.

okay. I think we’ve found common ground. more chance of death without the seatbelt, more chance of wanting to die without the backup plan. :wink:

Backing up is certainly necessary, but it isn’t what this topic was about. :slight_smile:

True. :blush: