How to send Midi CC to external controller in order to get the retrologue filter Freq. changes?

Hi, i built a small module with an arduino to send Midi CC to the Retrologue in order to change the filter frequency cut remotely.
But I would need also to get events from the changes done with the mouse in Retrologue, sent as a Midi Out by retrologue to my external controler. This way I can display the real filter value on a bar of leds on my external controler. I dont see any event sent via midi when i manipulate the screen of the retrologue. Is it possible to set it so that Retrologue sends messages when parameters are changed?

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Hi @Troubadour06

nice project.
Retrologue itself has no midi output.
You have to rely on the VST3 host to send the values back.

In Cubase, it might make sense to look into the remote scripting:

Other hosts have similar customization options.

I hope this helps.