How to set up single channel mono playback?

I’ve been a proud Wavelab user two days already.
I monitor with two stereo pairs and one mono auratone speaker. How should I set up the mono playback - stereo file output to single mono channel.

Check here…

scroll down to “Audio Channel Processing”

This is internal in WaveLab
is it external then you have to setup in Audio Devices or in soft or hardware
mixer or both…

regards S-EH

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The Master Section is the easiest.

You can also make a custom shortcut for Mix to Mono (I have assigned F11 for mono for example) and another to restore to default (F12 assigned in my system).


I’ll check out these tips, thank you so much!

To save you the trouble … here is where you can find the Shortcut menu


So detailed instructions!
Thank you, once again

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