How to Shorten Notes which extend beyond Part ending

I have a type of editing I have to do frequently and if possible I would like to create a Logical Editor preset to do it.

Consider a long recorded MIDI performance which has been cut up into 8 measure Parts.

Any notes at the end of each 8m Part which lap over into the next measure I need to shorten to stay within the Part in which they started.

So, basically, “If note off extends past end-of-part, move note-off leftwards to 1 tick within the part”.

I haven’t been able to find the necessary settings in the Logical Editor to set this up.

Is it possible, or not possible?

If possible, I’d appreciate a pointer on how to accomplish it.


I don’t think this is possible, although someone might have a clever approach.

I’m a bit curious how you are splitting the Parts so it results in the Note Off being after the end of the Part? Normally when you Split a Part & there is a Note crossing your Split point it will also Split the Note. Maybe there’s a Preference for the behavior. Not that it would help as you just have an unwanted Note in the 2nd Part.

How far do the Notes extend beyond the Part boundary? Might Quantizing Lengths help before making the Splits?

50 Likes says Reaper can do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Here is a picture of very long recording where I split the part at bar 57.

As can be seen, the notes which started just before the barline 57 are assigned to bar 56, and extend past the end of the part.

The original recorded data is basically all “late”, so I try to drag it forward (to the left), which I can do, but unless I visually visit every transition barline and find the one with the very least lag, and then make sure I drag all the notes no more than that amount I will wind up with some of the data now “too early”.

It’s extremely tedious to visit every barline visually for this purpose, so any form of automation that could accomplish the equivalent would be very welcome.

A high level way to state my goal would be -

Consider all data on track, note barlines where part transitions take place, move all data for each part leftward the exact amount that would place the first note in the part at (or a specified N ticks after) the part’s opening barline.

The goal is to correct lag, but lag is not exactly the same at all positions over the course of a long recording, which complicates the job.

In the end, I want each part to be able to stand alone with its data starting nice and tight even after I move them around.

Manual p.355:

Quantizing MIDI Event Ends
You can quantize the MIDI event end positions.
You have set up a quantize grid on the Quantize Presets pop-up 
menu on the Project window toolbar.
Perform one of the following actions:
In the Key Editor, select the MIDI events that you want to quantize.
In the Project window, select a MIDI part.
Select Edit > Advanced Quantize > Quantize MIDI Event Ends.
The ends of the MIDI events are moved to the nearest grid positions.
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Hm… “Select Events under Cursor” followed by Quantize?

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My thanks to all who commented.

For now, I think I will use this process -

Starting with a recorded MIDI track where all notes lag (are too far right) -

Cut it into the desired parts. This will not move any of the notes.
Set the Cycle to match the first part (select part, press P).
Use the Logical Editor to select all notes inside (starting in) a part.

Then at the front of the part, do manual dragging (or position type-in) of all those selected notes at once to tighten them up to the beginning of the part. This seems to work to move all the desired notes to the left an appropriate amount (for that part) w/o affecting the subsequent parts/notes later on the track. Repeat for each part.

The “Repeat for each part” is of course a significant slow-down. It would be great if at some point in the future Cubase could somehow effectively incorporate the notion of “Repeat for each part” in the editing process.

“Tighten up to beginning of part” is another candidate for a slick algorithm to be developed which could become a significant workflow enhancer if it were built into Cubase/Logical Editor somehow.

Maybe by activating this option in the preferences the notes will get cut to the part border when you cut the parts and you can avoid the entire post-cutting process?

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