How to transpose a vocal track up or down an octave with variaudio

Hi there, re Cubase 11 Artist - I know how to generate harmonies in variaudio but I cannot find how to make the single vocal go up or down an octave. Can someone help with that?
Just to clarify … I want to keep the original vocal pitch on one track - duplicate that track and make the duplicate track an octave higher while still keeping the original track in pitch. Every time I make the duplicate track an Octave higher it also just automatically makes the original track an octave higher simultaneously - so it changes both tracks if I change one track. Can’t I separate them?

So Cubase always asks me if I want to create a new version when doing something like this. At some point you will have clicked no and don’t ask me again. There is a preference that you need to switch again so you are asked but I’m not able to get to my pc at present and I can’t remember what it is. Maybe a search will help or check the manual.

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I think Duplicate by default creates a shared copy of audio tracks. Try this: “You can convert a shared copy to a real copy by selecting Edit > Functions > Convert to Real Copy. This creates a new version of the clip that you can edit independently. The new clip is automatically added to the Pool.”

Cubase Manual - Shared Copies


Thank you for your help. I followed this response re “bounce track” and it also seems a quick and easy way:
Make a copy of the original track.
Select it.
Next use Audio>Bounce Selection. This will turn the copy into new audio.
Now work on the copy and the original won’t be changed

Thank you for your help. I followed this response re “bounce track” and it also seems a quick and easy way:
Make a copy - then select it and - audio -" bounce" makes a new file.