How to use a grace note without using a rest in its place

Screenshot 2023-10-13 at 19.53.28


Please see in my screenshot where I converted a 16th note on the first note of this figure into a grace note. THe grace note looks ok but then a rest is placed in its place. I obviously don’t want this since most grace notes are not shown like this. I need the C to be an 8th note not a 16 th note. How can I change this please?

Select both notes (the D and the C), then use the Info Line to change their position slightly to the left. Hover your mouse pointer over the last digit of the “Start” parameter, then use your scroll wheel to lower this value. Scroll down until the notes are displayed correctly.

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But this is not the function that’s provided to make grace notes in Cubase.

Which one exactly? Or did you mean “procedure”?
Either way, moving the notes is what I’d do. This is why I suggested it.

THank you. I followed this procedure alread but the problem I have is not with the display of the grace note but that when I playback the midi the actual note plays at the same time as the grace note. They are both at the same midi position in my key editor like this

Screenshot 2023-10-15 at 12.19.03

It looks fine and how it is supposed to in the score but how can i make it so that it sounds fine too?

  1. In Key Editor, set the length quantize to “Quantize Link” then the quantize preset to: 1/32, 1/64, or 1/128

  2. Locate the note that’s supposed to be a grace note and:
    a) Select it, then go to MIDI > Functions > Fixed Length. This will transform the length of that note to what you’ve chosen in the quantize preset drop-down menu.
    b) Now move the note either before the main note, or exactly where the main note should be (this depends on the music style of the piece you’re scoring, respectively: baroque versus romantic style).

  3. Locate the main note and quantize it (move it) exactly after the grace note.

This should be it…

You’ve said:

This is weird considering the grace note originated from a “16th-16h-8th” formula/figure. Anyway, you should now be able to create a grace note that also sounds fine.

Thank you for trying to help. I did exactly as you said, here is my midi (I used 1/32 for the quantize)
Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 12.53.17

I put the grace note “exactly where the main note should be” as you can see in my midi key editor.

However, this still does not work. Even though it looks ok in the score editor (see below), the grace note and the main note play at the same time.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 12.57.11

Also, your suggestion to have me change the grace note to a 32nd note is confusing because the note should be a 16th note, not a 32nd note so there is a problem there.

this is what it should sound like. A grace note takes up half the value of the main note.

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 12.59.15

Oh, I see. You need to write/notate an appogiatura.

Here are three more steps to the previous ones:

  1. Mute the grace note and the regular note (these notes will serve only a visual purpose: this is why we mute them).

  2. Enter the notes you want to hear and select them.
    enter notes

  3. Open the Score Editor and execute the “hide/show” command.

  4. Deactivate the color for muted notes:

Now we need to add a slur, and we’re good to go.

P.S. For short:

Thank you that did work! Althout I must say, quite a few steps there for such a common musical ornament. I beleive Cubase has got some work to do here.
Yes an appoggiatura is the correct musical I just wanted to use the terminology that cubase uses so i called it a grace note. But I see how it may have been helpful now :slight_smile:

Thanks again, great work!

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let’s pray/hope Cubase 13 will have more Score Editor improvements than in the previous releases. And thanks for giving my post the “Solution” attribute. Happy scoring!

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