How to use a third monitor for video only with Cubase without extending the desktop, on Mac?

Right now I have desktop extended onto the third monitor and am dragging the video from Cubase onto there. But I always see the menu bar because you can’t have it disabled on only one monitor on Mac, and I often move the pointer accidentally to that monitor. Mac OS is limited in ways like this.

Can I designate a full screen “preview” monitor that doesn’t have anything but the video file on it with Cubase? I don’t think so, but since so many composers use it I’m hoping they have that feature in there somewhere like other programs such as Premiere and Resolve do.

Just enter fullscreen mode for the video window. See the Manual.

Thanks Arne. I know about this and use it. It doesn’t change what I’m asking about though, which is that I want my third monitor with full-screen video to not be extended desktop on Mac.

OK, then I didn’t understand your request. I thought you would like to show the video on one monitor without the menu bar, not?

It doesn’t work on Macs because of how the Mac menu bar system is, unless you have auto-hide on, which is a hindrance to me.