(Provide a short but descriptive sentence that summaries the issue or feature request)
How to use a Yamaha Portable Grand DGX-640 as a MIDI controller to a Motorola G20 Android phone; to use it as an instrument to record with my CUBASIS 3 App
2. Description
(Provide a detailed description and list the step by step process to reproduce the issue to help the team to understand and reproduce the problem)
Conected the cable to cellphone and software cubasis does not recognise my MIDI instrument
3. Expected Results
(Describe what you expected to see)
Yamaha Portable Grand ( in the MIDI option)
4. Actual Results
(Describe what you actually saw)
All midi instruments
5. Environment
(Count the hardware and software including version numbers being used)
That information is included in the name of the model of the piano, the cubasis 3 app and the cellphone model
Thanks for your support