How to use AW4416 in Cubase Artist 11

I want my Yamaha AW4416 workstation to control the faders and some other things in Cubase Artist 11. I have the AW4416.XML-file imported in Cubase, but I can’t control any fader or else in Cubase.
Is the XML to old or do I do something wrong?

Hope someone can tell me how to set up the AW4416 as well as Cubase?

With regards,

Hi and welcome on the forum,

Sorry, I don’t know what is in the XML file and where/how do you import it.

Could you share the file and explain, what do you do with it, please?

Hi Martin,

thanks for your quick reply. Meanwhile I have obtained the XML file from Yamaha Benelux. It is in a download from their site aw4416.xml (42.0 KB)
So I have what I wanted.

Have a nice day,

with kind regards,
Ron Weber