How to use two controllers with 2 different VSTis? C12

I’m on a windows laptop on Cubase 12. I’m an experienced user when it comes to audio, but relatively new to midi.

I have two controllers (Alesis Vi61 and Roland SPD-sx). If I set up two instruments, say Halion and Groove Agent, I am hearing both trigger when I play either controller. Connected via MIDI DIN, not USB.

Alesis controller (Midi Ch 2) - I want to control Halion with this.

SPD-SX (Midi Ch10) - I want to control Groove Agent with this.

On the instrument channels I have changed the midi channel to the appropriate number, but it makes no difference, both instruments trigger at the same time with either controller.

All the youtube tutorials seem to show MIDI Port setup already recognising the controllers, but whilst my controllers work (as in MIDI is clearly being received) they asre not individually being recognised in the MIDI ports, if that makes any difference?

I’m sure I am fundamentally missing something, but after a day of going back and forth I cannot figure it out, hence the question here.


Switch from the All MIDI Inputs option to the dedicated MIDI port.

That’s the thing, the only option is Focusrite USB MIDI or All Midi In.

Both options produce the same result. I am using din MIDI btw, not USB. How do I set it up to only recognise incoming midi on a specific midi channel, but coming in via the same interface (Focusrite 18i20)?


If you want to differentiate by the MIDI Channel, you can set up an Input Transformer. There are even presets to do so.

In Cubase 14, we have the MIDI Input Channel.

For clarity - The focusrite is all you should expect to see…Cubase has no idea what you have plugged into the focusrite MIDI port.

I assumed that’d be the case. What I wondered was then how to differentiate the midi channels. But I will look into the input transformer as @Martin.Jirsak suggested. I’ll be upgrading to 14 soon.

Success! Thank you. Input Transformer is the answer.

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