Has anyone been able to use the UVI Workstation VST plugin with Dorico?
I do not know for sure whether it is a VST 2 or VST 3 because UVI neglected to provide this information (I’ve been searching for half an hour–it is stated absolutely nowhere).
I’ve tried putting the file UVIWorkstationVSTx64.dll in the following locations:
I also tried adding the plugin to the VST 2 whitelist, but that does not work. Note that where the instructions say “find an entry where value=0”, there actually are none. All of the entries have “value=1” already, and there are no instructions for adding a new value. So I chose one of the existing values (having no idea what that will do).
Please let me know if anyone has a suggestion. Thanks.
It’s a VST2, and the preferred location now seems to be …Program Files\Common Files\VST2. You have to add it to the whitelist as:
Some of the info regarding VST is outdated, but you’ll now get by with 32 zeros…
Has anyone succeeded in doing this on mac?
I’ve been trying to make it work, adding UVIWorkstationVST and the zeros to the vst2whitelist and deleting the vst2 blacklist files and so on, but it won’t work.
I have done this steps to activate UVI Workstation in Dorico:
(may be unnecessary:) copied UVIWorkstationVST.vst from /Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST to ###myusername###/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST
Closed all music apps
pasted “UVIWorkstationVST” into /Applications/Dorico.app/Contents/Applications/VSTAudioEngine.app/Contents/Components/vst2whitelist.txt
relaunched Dorico
(in Play tab on the right pressed +
chose UVIWorkstationVST
pressed E)