Hypnotic Dance : non accessible presets

Hi all,
I have just purchased and installed Hypnotic Dance for Cubase. The plugin works, with a default sound tha I can modifiy, BUT I cannot access the differents presets. When I go to the Library Meny to open a preset, the list is empty…
Could you please help ?

Hello Marc,

What DAW are you using Hypnotic Dance in? Have you update to the 1.1 version from http://www.steinberg.net/index.php?id=downloads_vsti_hypnotic_dance&L=1 ? Can you please post a screen shot of what you see when you attempt to select a preset?

Hi Chris, Thanks for getting in touch.
I am using it on Cubase 5.00 for Windows 7 Home Premium. The Hypnotic Dance version is (sep 11 2012), purchased a week a go on the Steinberg Store. During the installation, no error, no problem. But as I mentionned when I try go to a next sound nothin happens, there is just a default one. Then if I try to open the library, it is just empty (see the screen shot). I can create a sub folder by name, I can save a sound. But here again when I relaunch Cubase I cannot open my own sound… Strange. So to summarize, no fatory vstpreset, no personnal vstpreset. I don’t face this with other VST instruments.
Thanks a lot

I would suggest updating to 5.5.0, then 5.5.3 from Cubase 5 | Steinberg

Also, I would suggest going to your Media Bay, and rescanning the folders for VST Sound to search for the presets for Hypnotic Dance.

Does the problem continue there? If so, can you please send a screen shot of the entire screen when you are selecting?

I had scanned the whole HDs, not *.vstpreset associated with Hypnotic. I can find other .vstpresets but not this one. Do you think I could download the vstpresets file from somewhere (I have tried to install on another computer, same story, no vstpreset found…). I have tryied with the 5.5 version. Same story. Other VSTs like Padshop work just fine with the presets… I am only facing this with Hypnotic Dance…
Thanks a lot