I am having issue with Steinberg UR 12


I am experiencing unwanted background noise on my UR12 audio interface during recordings. How can I troubleshoot and eliminate this noise?


For starters, it would help to know what type of “noise” you are talking about.

Can you explain ‘how’ you are recording ‘what’?

Are you talking about room noise when recording through a microphone? It’s hard to tell what you are talking about with absolutely zero details provided in your post.

Can you provide an audio example? Or at least explain a bit what exactly you are doing?

We’ve been facing an issue where the sound from our recordings and resolved automatically after our last chat. However, the problem has resurfaced recently.

We’re using a Rode microphone and have replaced the cable twice, but the issue persists. We did some sample recordings yesterday, and the sound issue remains.

Could this be related to the audio interface?

Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated!