I bought Cubase Elements 11 but cannot activate it

I previously had Cubase AI 7 and downloaded the Elements 11 trial
I paid for it just now and got the download access code
I entered the access code in the Download Assistant
I clicked Activate and the e-Licenser window opened, says code was recognized correctly
It says No License To Upgrade Selectable.

What is the hold up here? When I open Cubase it still says it’s a trial. Please help.


Hi. Sorry you’re having trouble. Did you have Cubase AI activated on a different computer? It’s looking for the AI license to upgrade and can’t find it.

Yes, that’s it. I installed everything on a new laptop and moved the USB license key but didn’t activate a new AI e-license. Thank you.

I don’t know if this is related but also I had downloaded the Halion Sonic SE 3 (the free one). It opens but there are no instruments. I searched around and I see discussions about file locations but not any clear solutions.

I don’t see Halion in the Library Manager but I see the VST files in

C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound\HALion\VST Sound

Do I need to copy these somewhere? How do I get Halion to find them?

If you just have the free HALion Sonic SE in the LibMgr you probably only get the HALion Sonic SE Basic library? Can you see that in the LibMgr but can’t see it in HSSE, or can you not find/see it in either? If the latter, I would reinstall HSSE. If you can see in LibMgr, but not in HSSE, the trick I’ve found that works is click the details button and see where it thinks the file location is and see if the file’s there. If it is and you’re still not seeing it in HSSE, use the Move button to move it to a new location. You can then move it back to the original if you want, but the thing is to move the file using the LibMgr and that seems to tell HALion where the file is. Otherwise, reinstall.

Also, saw this on the download page:

Did you follow this in order?

I got it now. I don’t know how it usually works but I was looking at the Download Assistant and there are different HSSE items for Instrument and Content. So I installed the content and now I see the instruments.

Does that mean Instrument is the application and Content is the sounds? That’s not very intuitive.

Yes. It’s a little technical, but I get it.

I missed that you were downloading from within the Cubase Elements page, not the separate free HSSE. The difference being that even though you get the same instrument and basic content, you get additional content/library with Elements. That’s the additional 1.4 Gb file. You still should have seen tha basic library in the LibMgr. You should have at least two after this install.