I’ve read all the hints about how to over-ride this problem. Like someone else said they were getting dotted notes but now instead of a dotted quarter I just get a quarter tied to an 8th. I’m VERY frustrated.
Welcome to the forum @Deirdre_Bowers.
Can you please upload a screenshot or (even better) a project that shows where this is happening.
There could be various ways to fix it.
How do I upload a project? Sorry if I don’t seem “techie”…I pretty much got Finale figured out…hard to start over!
Jesous Ahatonhia.dorico (697.5 KB)
Does this help? If you look at bar 8 you can see my problem. After reading a lot of hints I found a way into tricking it in earlier bars where the dotted quarter was followed by a note…but not with a rest.
If you activate the “force duration” icon (conveniently activated with the letter “o” on your keyboard) before you enter the note, this will give you what you want. To fix it now, highlight the note, press “o” on your keyboard and then double click 6 to get the dotted quarter note. (By default, Dorico is showing a tied quarter and eighth note to clearly identify where the second beat starts in 2/4).
Good morning, Deirdre,
That is a frequently question here, and many members are struggle with it.
You can set some settings in Notation Options, but this work one time on two ; in all likelihood, there is currently a bug affecting this in Dorico 5, whatever the version.
I think you will be interested by this thread :
Wild tied note
Until this aleatory bug is fixed, we have not other solution that to use the « Force Duration » input method explained by Mike.
As per the other article: re-enter the time sig, and it’s fixed.
(I just pressed Enter twice on the time sig.)
Jesous Ahatonhia.dorico (694.3 KB)
Indeed, Ben, as it appears in the topic I linked above, the bug only seems to occur if you set the Time Signature in a template or in the right-hand panel in Write Mode. Entering the Time Signature via the popover seems to provide a temporary solution.
Temporary? Why – does the problem come back?
I wrote « temporary », Ben, because the Notations Options should work regardless of the methods used to enter a Time Signature.
It’s not acceptable that only Popover provides the solution, especially as this is not mentioned in the manual at all.
So let’s wait for this to be fixed in Dorico 5.1.7 or Dorico 6. But it’s certain that a solution will have to be found, because this way in which Dorico corrects input, like a mobile phone corrects our spelling, annoys more than one user, unused as they are to being confronted with this type of behaviour, bearing in mind that neither Finale, nor Sibelius, nor MuseScore play this kind of joke…
Thank you EVERYONE. The best thing is to know I’m not the only person who has been going crazy over this! The re-entering of the time
signature with the popover WORKED! But…one shouldn’t have to jump through hoops to do a simple entry. I hope they fix this bug AND let customers
know it is done. I wanted to love this program but was about to go back to Finale.
And, maybe, who knows ? You’ll come back to Dorico in a year or two, when it has improved.
No I’m OK! It’s working. There are lots of things that are easier than Finale. I’m sure they’ll fix that bug…?
Yes, of course we will fix it. We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused. It will be fixed in the next update, coming (relatively) soon.
Just select the vise icon in the C-Clamp icon, the second icon above the dotted quarter note icon.
Thanks…but others suggested using the popover to reset the time signature …and it worked! I think I
may have removed the time signature first…can’t recall. Somebody said it’s a bug that they will
hopefully fix.
Well, this somebody is Daniel Spreadbury, the head of the Dorico development team…
In the meanwhile also welcome to the forum, @charlzz4jazz!
Nice: so you have now two methods to solve this (of course while waiting for the upcoming fix-update)
And I add here a third method (that you can use to overcome the current unexpected behaviour, till it is fixed, and also for other cases where you need to customise the beat groupings): if you insert [2]/4,0.5 into the popover, the square brackets will create 1 half note beat per measure (instead of two quarter note beats), avoiding so the notes grouping to be broken at the half bar.
Here the Manual:
And I hope you will value the unprecedented support of Dorico and its Team, and its presence and nearness to the users that you just experienced, and demonstrated once again by the reply of @dspreadbury.
All the new functionalities, improvements and the issues resolved, are always nicely documented in the Version History that you can Download from the Steinberg Download Assistant.
Well, hi! So…is it a bug?? It sure bugged me for about 4 hours!
Apparently, yes, it is a bug, and, (partially) thanks to you, it will be fixed.