I have used Dorico since about it’s first appearance. I am currently using V5.1.81.
Very early on in my Dorico adventure, I was confused by many things, not least of which being how to actually create a score. Thus, sometimes, my layouts were perculiar to say the least.
I have uploaded a screen grab of an early piece written in Dorico. You will notice the three bars at the beginning. I can’t get rid of them!
Like many/most Help systems, Dorico’s presumes that you know the exact words to use in a query, and pretty much further assumes that you already know the answer to your question in the first place. How to get rid of these bars is probably burried somewhere in Help. I can’t find it.
Thank you DanielMuzMurray. I followed your directions and the unwelcome bars were gone in a trice.
Flows: In all my time using Dorico, I have never understood FLOWS. Indeed, I have tried to avoid anything flow-related as much as possible. I find them worse than useless, a distraction, and a distinct impediment to the logical operation (I almost said “flow”) of Dorico. I don’t know what they are; I don’t want to know, and I wish they would just go away.
So, there is a certain irony in me being completely baffled in my attempts to get rid of those bars.
Don’t forget you can duplicate flows and assign some instruments/layouts to a flow and others to the other. This is the way you can have instruments with repeat bars in a movement, while other instruments will be written out because their part has no repeats… All in the same file. The more you understand Dorico’s logic with players/Flows/Layouts, the more you’ll find other solutions so poor.
Flow = A (any) piece of music.
A single 1024th note in a time signature of 1/1024 played at 3000 bpm.
A score of ORGAN2/ASLSP.
The basic container for any musical information on your page, there simply is no other way to put any kind of notation on your page.
Every Dorico project needs to have at least one flow.
That is where ALL the music goes.
All of it.
Ah, the famous answer to the question: “What are Ignorance and Indifference?”
The latest manual, with the benefit of accumulated years of metadata based on real users’ queries and an enhanced search on our new portal, should be quite flexible with whatever you search.
For what it’s worth, searching “get rid of bars” brings up “Deleting flows” as the second result. I’d say that’s not bad!
If I search Help on “How do I delete bars?” (surely a more reasonable search request than one involving “…getting rid of…”), the reference to Deleting Flows is the 10th link that is listed, and I would not have recognised it as being relevent to me.