I can't input a hyphen when using the Korean IME

I am a Windows user and I am using the Korean Microsoft IME.

The text with a hyphen at the beginning was created by pasting.
However, when I type new text, the hyphen doesn’t appear. How can I insert a hyphen in the newly typed text? Is it because I’m using the Korean input method?

We’ve had other reports of this issue:

Unfortunately, @Nohoodo has so far been unable to answer our questions about the IME settings on their computer. Perhaps you will be able to provide better information so that we can investigate the problem.

Which specific Korean IME are you using (I’m not sure whether Windows provides more than one)? If you are typing Latin text rather than Hangul, you should consider switching to an IME that is focused on Latin text.

I am using the Korean-English conversion IME. Of course, when I type morn-ing, I use English.

Did you add English from your preferred language?

Hyphens don’t come out in Korean mode, so I have to change them to English via IME.

I’ve been looking into this some more, and now I can see why there is a difference in behaviour between Windows and macOS. On Windows, when using the Korean IME, there is an English typing mode, which allows you to type Latin text without changing the IME; however, so far as I can tell, on macOS no such mode exists. So on macOS, you have to change to a different IME to type Latin rather than Hangul.

When you hit the hyphen/minus key, Dorico checks whether the Korean IME is in use, and if it is, it disallows a hyphen. That’s because for lyrics in Hangul, hyphens should not appear. However, this doesn’t account for the fact that you can type Latin text using the Korean IME on Windows, so we need to consider that.

We will make some further changes here in future versions. For the time being, switch to e.g. the English IME before entering lyrics using Latin characters. By default on Windows you can switch the IME by holding down the Windows key and pressing Space.

Of course, I changed it to English.

Looking forward to future updates. Thank you.

I hope it will be included soon. Thank you.

Thank you.

English language added. I ran dorico again. However. The hyphen doesn’t work again. I hope the bug will be fixed in the next update. Please make it so that people who don’t know computers can use dorico well. Please solve it technically so that Windows users can use dorico well like Mac users. Thank you.