I found out bellow error in cubase5 please help me to solve this error?

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1182 file(s) could not be found:


assumed at
Berlin_Concert_Grand.tga «LIBRARY>*««Berlin Concert Grand_info.nk
Bech-R(ES)-T(RF)-M(127)-P(1" ‹LIBRARY>\Samples*««Berlin Concert Gran
Bech-R(C1)-TCHH)-M(E)-P(30" ‹ LIBRARY>\Samples*«‹Berlin Concert Gran
Bech-R(B2)-dE(3807)-T(ML)-* «LIBRARY»\Samples*««Berlin Concert Gran
Bech-R(C3)-T(HN)-M(2)-P(21-** ‹LIBRARY>\Samples*«Berlin Concert Gran
Bech-R(B-1)-dB(3964)-T(ML)-* ‹ LIBRARY>\Samples«Berlin Concert Gran
Bech-R(B-1)-dB(4276)-T(ML)-* « LIBRARY»Samples«‹Berlin Concert Gran
Bech-R(B-1)-dB(3070)-T(ML)-** ‹LIBRARY> Samples «<Berlin Concert Gran

Resolue Automatically

Recolus Manually

Brouse tonfolder

resolue oll possible

Brause For file

Check fos Auplicates Stakee more time)

Allow alternatiue file tupes

Keep search mode and selected folders for the current session

Skip Missing

Aborl Louding

Do you own the concert grand?

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No music is my favorite and do this as an entertainment.

@mkok is asking if you own the software. The error message language is like the English you find in Chinese instruction manuals.