I have a question about the note repeat symbol. How does it work?

I want to create four tremolos in a dotted quarter note in 4/4 time. How can I do this?

Hi @soundware,

  • start note input
  • activate the Tuplet (with the right shortcut, depending on your keyboard language) and write 3:2e
  • press 66 (6 twice) to chose a dotted quarter note value
  • press G (or play directly the G octave on your MIDI keyboard)
  • with the G still selected activate the Repeat Structure popover with Shift+R, and write 1
  • add-on: in the Properties panel you can deactivate the triplet number (after selecting it)


This still has the 3 for the triplet over/underneath the dotted crotchet so then shift+command (control) +E for Engraving options > tuplets > display of Tuplets Ratio > none.

Cool video, @Christian_R!! :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I followed the video, and it worked.

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You are welcome.

It’s probably best to set just the properties for these tuplets, rather than globally turning off the ratio,

Ah yes, good point!

Thanks :slight_smile:

OT: @Christian_R is the king (but not the ErlkΓΆnig!) of cool videos.