I´m a rookie and need some help

Hi everyone. I have an old e-licenser Cubase 10 license. Never updated, never upgraded. I´ve heard that very soon the e-licenser is going to dissapear. Eventhough I havent using too much cubase right now I dont want to loose my license. In addition, I lost my usb, or better said, I cant find it. I would like to kill two birds with a shot. Migrating my cubase license to the online newone and upgrading if possible to Cubase 13 or 14 in the grace period whose I presume it has to happen soon (it is usually in this date at least) can somebody help me with all this questions. Maybe this is not the properly way. In case not, can somebody tell me where should I write?

Thanks in advance

A rookie

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Here, you will find how to proceed with the lost USB-eLicenser.

You have to buy a new USB-eLienser and fill in the form (on the link) to get the replacement Activatino Code, which you will activate to the new USB-eLicenser.

Once this is done, you can buy an update to Cubase 13.

More detils, about the eLicenser Service Closes Down in 2025.

There’s something I don’t understand. If I want to migrate to the new license wich there’s not a need of a USB why should I buy another one to some time after leave it unuseful? There’s no a way to upgrade cubase through the e-licenser control without my USB?


Because you need to have the license to be able to upgrade it.

If the license is USB-eLicenser based, then there is no way, how to upgrade the license without the USB-eLicenser (with the given license) plugged in.