I started a poll in the Cubase forum. Please contribute!!

We can’t. Nuendo users are not allowed to post in the Cubase forum. :unamused:


It’s been that way ever since the old forum was abandoned. Never mind the fact that sometimes the Cubase users are less experienced and could do with help from time to time. Steinberg doesn’t want us there, so that’s that.




I could vote but I have N6 and C7 licenses. Good idea - thank you.

We’re not !

I think Lydiot is right here, we actually are allowed to vote in the Cubase forum.

Strange, I logged in and couldn’t vote…

Have you tried? All I get is the results of the poll. There is no button to post, just as there is no button to reply to posts. The only people I know who can post and vote are people who have Cubase.


I was able to vote and i dont own Cubase. Cant post, but thats to be expected.