So, I’ve been digging deep in and out in regards to my hideous issue with Softube Console 1 mk1/2 that no one has hardly ever experienced… I ditched the hardware for more than 2 years and, for some of my older projects, I turned my mac mini intel computer on and tried some ways around.
Initial issue:
In the middle of mixing, no matter what I do, when I insert ‘console 1 vst3’, the project freezes, with aeroplane heating noise taking off.
Without hardware connected, plugin works.
So, I opened a blank project, inserted ‘console 1 vst3’, working like charm.
My version of console 1 is 2.5.76. My mac osx is Mojave and planning not to upgrade because I have mac studio and do not want any trouble with current plugins setup…
So today, I backed up the huge project with 100 tracks, with 3rd party plugins here and there (very heavy)…
Disabled all tracks and tried one by one, and about third audio track enabled, and attempting to insert ‘console 1 vst3’ for 3rd one, bamm, again starting to freeze so I quickly undone that…
So at the end, what I did was, did not disable any audio tracks or vsti tracks, but,tried to insert end tracks to upwards… (haha…)
What worked for me for this project was,
I simply swapped the channel strip from default SSL 4000E channel to simply American Class A.
Then… it works now as usual light plugin. Copied the inserts all one by one and no freezing…
Yeah… I am still in awe… anyone who ditched console 1 like me for older macs, try my method, just swap channel strip from 4000 to something else.
I still don’t get this… haha… for me, it is after almost 2 years… lol
New Update: Or try this method.
Disable all tracks.
Enable only one track.
Insert Console 1 vst3, it shall work (hopefully), leave it on.
Enable all the rest audio tracks.
Then copy and paste the console 1 vst3 on mixconsole as you go.
Should work…