I Upgraded to Mac OS Cataline, and can't open My Dorico Anymore

I licenced last time my boxed Dorico PRO 3.5 to elisencer, recently I Upgraded my system to, Mac OS Catalina and my Dorico won’t open anymore. I Asked new activation code but, I get the code but when I paste the new code I get popup, de code is used…I Cant believe…
I Tired to reinstall the elisencer helper, but didn’t solve the problem…

and you updated your relicenser to the latest versions right?there is also a maintenance button in e-licenser did you try that?

I downloaded the elisencer again from the web site, yesterday doesn’t works, no license shown in the elisencer, but a day later everything works, all my licenser arrived, I don’t know how… :innocent: Anyway is cool…Thank you