IC PRO on Win10 webpage

Hello, i installed SKI Remote and everything is working flawless on android and ios devices.
So i decided to test it with my Hans Touchscreen + win10.(last updates)+ Edge or Chrome
all is good except:
the fader part slide don’t respond on touch but work with the mouse.
the fader don’t moves up or down on touch but work with the mouse.
i’ve tried all the different parameters on the EDge/Chrome browser about swipe and gestures things with no results.
any ideas will be welcome.

Hello coming back with my question.
anybody here using IC pro on a w10 computer with edge or chrome or any other browser with touchscreen tactil?
how does it goes for you?
for me:
connection to daw is ok
selection with one tap is ok
swipe thru mixconsole fader and fader moving with touch not working.
any idea is welcome
best regards

What do you mean “is anyone using IC Pro on a w10 computer?” It’s an iPhone/iPad app only.

it’s not actually. SkiRemote can be used via a web browser. works great on android but on windows everything seems to work but the faders.

same here.

How do you used SkiRemote via web browser?

Hi @YevhenLokhmatov,

This is outdated information.
Cubase iC Pro supports iOS and Android.
