Icon P1M Midi Remote Script - Good, Bad and the Ugly

Since track visibility was added to the Cubase 14 Midi Remote API, and since Icon pushed firmware update 1.08, the excellent midi remote script for the Icon P1-M by @bjoluc was finally a workflow option for me.

I tried it for a few days, loved the new features it brought, but ultimately had to switch back to Mackie Control as there are still a number of issues with it. Here’s my summary of its current problems

  • recalling visibility configs is worse than MCU for two reasons. First, the mixer must be in focus for them to be recallable via key command, which is not how the MCU protocol worked.
  • Second, and most problematic, the vis config on the ICON will not update until I use the mouse to select a fader within the group in the mixer. Again, this is not how the MCU protocol works and adds unwelcome steps to the process of mixing a song.
  • Often when changing vis configs my ICON will show no faders at all even if I have a group of faders up on my mixer. I can fix it by paging back, but this is annoying behavior.
  • There seems to be an issue with multi-touch use of the faders; if I try to move three faders at once, I get choppy automation. I think this might be because auto select is tied with the automation system knowing which fader I’m touching. Can’t sort it out. Could this be solvable via an option to disable auto-select? This would be a welcome feature for other reasons too
  • the MIDI Remote script does not yet allow us to hide track types, which becomes problematic in various parts of my workflow
  • the “Sends” view is incorrectly implemented; if I have 8 faders selected, it erroneously shows send 1 on track 1, send 2 on track 2, send 3 on track 3, etc, when it should show send 1 on track 1, send 1 on track 2, send 1 on track 3, etc.
  • as is the case with all MIDI Remotes, frequent disconnections are common

All of the above issues, for me, outweigh the advantages of the MIDI Remote script. Still, it’s a truly beautiful piece of work and I hope some of the above issues can be sorted! Or if you have solutions I’ve overlooked, please let me know.

Hi, everything that you mention is correct.

I think I’ve seen a report on this, not sure if it’s in Steinberg’s road map to deal with it. In the mean time, script can actually workaround this, by momentarily opening the mixConsole and then executing the visibility command.

In another thread (can’t recall right now where exactly) I’ve suggested the use of a dedicated “Refresh” button in our scripts. But then again, this is not an automatic process. Wish this will be fixed in the near future.

This sounds strange. IF we use the workaround of the button I suggested (or if a user manually reselects a track) this shouldn’t happen.

I think so too. I recall when I had a quick look at the script, there’s indeed the option to auto-select tracks upon fader’s move. Perhaps this can be addressed by adding this config (if not already there).

Well, it does allow selecting track types, but in a static way, i.e. for each “mixer Bank Zone” this has to be pre-selected.
BUT, with the more recent MR API version, we can actually implement this in a dynamic way.
Now, I know that @bjoluc is currently pretty busy with his studies, but sooner or later he most probably will have the time to dive into this, I will for sure offer my suggestions, he’s a very nice guy, and his scripts were of great help for this community :slight_smile:

Not sure about this. Maybe the script binds the 8 sends of the selected track to the 8 faders, instead of your suggestion? Nevertheless, totally doable with a config addition.

Yes, I’ve seen many reports on this. I cannot unfortunately replicate it here, but I hope Steinberg addresses this one as well.


Hi, sorry to hijack this thread, but do you have any snippet about how to implement this?

I have yet to try the new methods introduced in 13.0.51 / 14.0.10 but am very much interested in this.



Hi Martin, yes, I worked a bit on this concept. It involves creating custom mixer zones, which I must note, will not be reflected on the Mixer window, i.e. it won’t be in sync. For example, you may have audio tracks on your controller and then with a button move to another type, but the Mixer UI will still show whatever it shows. I can surely share a snippet, however I prefer that Steinberg first includes in MR API’s documentation, official guides for the new methods.