If Reaper and Studio One had a baby

Cubase lovers…relax! I come in peace! :wink:
If Reaper and Studio One had a baby…

  1. So it appears that the metronome can’t be turned louder than what is in the window. It makes it very hard to hear. Is there a way not have to route the click track to the mixer to turn it up?
  2. When you drag an insert effect, can you turn off how it makes all the other track inserts turn a different color.
  3. How do I load a project that automatically quantizes whatever I play? Do I have to create a region, then turn it on for ever single track? Yikes!
  4. Are any of you on Logic and experiencing mucho problems (4 years and counting) that don’t happen in Cubase?
  5. When I bounce a project, do I have to manually go and change the name of the file…even though the project is already named? Is there a way to make it automatically pull down this info from the project?

If I asked these questions before, I ask that you be patient with me. Logic is where is spend 99.999898 percent of my time and it’s a HUGE jump to Cubase. Like going from high school to advanced Calculus in one lump.
Giving Cubase 14 a real chance. I appreciate any help!

Please make a screenshot so that we can see what you mean.

Turn on “Auto Quantize”. You might have the AQ button visible in the transport bar, otherwise it might be an idea to make it visible there.

In the Audio Export dialog you can define a naming scheme. One possibility is to use the project name. Please kindly see the manual for more details of this option.

J. C.! Thanks a lot. Here is the screenshot. I did find that AQ button!

You use custom colors. That makes it a bit harder for me to see. To me it looks like there are different colors on the inserts because some of them are bypassed.
I can also see a single blue one, that might be a post fader slot.

So it appears that the metronome can’t be turned louder than what is in the window. It makes it very hard to hear. Is there a way not have to route the click track to the mixer to turn it up?

There are two ways to turn the metronome volume up (or down). First one is in the metronome setup window.

The second method is through control room, but you have to enable it first in the audio connections/control room window…

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Unspoken, thank you! The control room. Interesting.