Ilok is the pitts!!

So I’ve finally got sick to death of Ilok telling me I’m not authorised to use my R2 or my Ivory, it happens about once a month which means I have to re install something or other or email someone, my CP8 is currently frozen with a message from Ilok that…hey, your Ilok is not plugged in, but,…hey …it effing well is!! :imp: and my Ilok manager is up to date and synced and everything…so I’ve had to email Exponential Audio and…wait :imp: :imp: :imp:
so dumping R2 in favour of Valhalla vintage verb(every bit as good without the hassle) and gonna dump Ivory and that’s me finished with anything to do with Ilok…

I am so effing annoyed, you pay good money and a stupid piece of plastic stops you in your tracks…was just in a good session… :imp:

If your considering a product that needs Ilok…think carefully and look around for an alternative that doesn’t use it…

best, Kevin

That’s really odd, Kevin. Do you think there is something else that may be the cause? USB hub problem or something hardware related like that? I’ve been using the v2 ilok and have used pace’s as well and haven’t had these types of problems. Honestly, I’ve had more problems with elicenser but those have been extremely rare followed by even more problems with my uad quad where it says the card has been removed from the system, when it hasn’t been, at session start from a cold boot. System restart fixes it though.

Hi, All I know is…if I don’t have an Ilok plugged in I get no problems…so that’s the way to go for me, I can make music without an Ilok…
If I’d known Valhalla vintage verb was better than R2 I could’ve saved some money and a lot of hassle…

every two weeks or so R2 would say it;s not authorised while Ivory would work fine…so for me it seems to be mainly down to R2 and the way it’s associated with Ilok,
even more annoying is Michael Karnes at Exponential Audio said in his ‘‘support’’ email…there is nothing wrong with R2 you’ll have to take it up with Ilok,…in other words…I’ve got yer money, get lost!!
meanwhile I cannot open any project that contains R2…disgusting if you ask me…

best solution get… delete R2 and rid of Ilok…I feel so much better now :slight_smile: :slight_smile: unfortunately I am now without Ivory…

thanks for your interest…Like i said…Ilok manager was up to date and synced, all my usb ports are ok, Ivory was working fine on Ilok…
Michael Karnes had the brass to tell me ‘‘Ivory doesn’t use Ilok properly because it’s old’’
yeah but it damn well works…unlike R2

best, Kevin

If your ilok is showing as not plugged in then use start/services/PACE licence services… it happens here very occasionally too.
I get that issue with one of my uad2 cards too on a cold boot up… yep annoying too!

I am now the proud owner of an Ilok free computer, an Ilok will never touch my computer again…makes me feel good just saying that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

best, Kevin