I'm not logged in automatically anymore

Not a big problem to the world maybe but for some completely unknown reason I am not logged in automatically anymore since about three day maybe. And I have done nothing, good or bad, to change anything related to any internet activity on this computer whatsoever. Is anybody else experiencing the same? Is there some universal cure for this I somehow missed?

Me too .

:astonished: :blush: :laughing:
so if a mod removes this topic it’s OK and we’ll continue in the other FIRST one!


Just happened to me today. There’s no option to stay logged in?

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Apologies for the short session time; it’s related to the switchover to our new identity management system which happened yesterday. We’re working on a fix.

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You should find that you’re logged out a lot less now.

(english below)

Leider ist das überhaupt nicht der Fall! Bei jeglichem Aufrufen des Forums muss ich mich neu einloggen. Zudem: wenn ich den Browser wechsle, komme ich überhaupt nicht mehr rein (FF auf MacOS → Safari auf MacOS; Meldung: “Authorization timed out, or you have switched browsers. Please try again.”
Beim “again trying” kann ich schon mal im Nirvana enden…

Zudem (bei dieser Gelegenheit…): das Forum ist leider unübersichtlicher denn je.
Ich weiß nicht, wie es anderen Menschen geht, aber sobald eine Software meint, entscheiden zu müssen, was ich schon gesehen habe (und daher nicht mehr sehen mögen soll), bekomme ich ziemliche Probleme. Das hat dann etwas vom Umgang mit einem Narzissten…
Warum nicht einfach so, wie es im vorherigen Forum war? Nach Datum aufgelistet. Und die, die ich schon gelesen habe gerne etwas andersfarbig. Aber bitte: immer noch auffindbar…


Unfortunately, this is not the case at all! Every time I call the forum, I have to log in again. Also: when I switch browsers, I can’t get in at all (FF on macOS → Safari on macOS; message: “Authorization timed out, or you have switched browsers. Please try again.”
When “trying again” I can end up in Nirvana…

In addition (at this opportunity…): the forum is unfortunately more unclear than ever.
I don’t know about other people, but as soon as a software thinks it has to decide what I’ve already seen (and therefore shouldn’t like to see anymore), I get quite problems. This then has something of dealing with a narcissist…
Why not just do it the way it was in the previous forum? Listed by date. And the ones I’ve already read in a little different color. But please: still findable…



Discourse does not hide topics you’ve already read. And the titles of topics you have read are displayed in a lighter color than those you haven’t.

The timeout of your login is set in a cookie that is saved on your machine, in your browsers data folder. I suppose it’s possible that even after the configuration of what the cookie should contain is changed, your browser might still be referring to the old data.

If you delete cookies from your browser. (usually assigned to the keystroke [ctrl/cmd]+[shift]+[Delete]) you will have to log in again, but the new settings should be in the cookie that’s subsequently saved on your machine.

I suggest visiting your category preferences at
https://forums.steinberg.net/ u/username/preferences/categories and mute the categories you rarely look at. The result in the “Latest” list will be more useful.

Here’s how I have mine set up – I can still navigate manually to the categories that are muted.

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Hi Steve, thanks for you hints!
Now logging in is OK again :wink:

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