I'm stumped: no playback with ARIA Player

I am stumped. I set up an arrangement for let’s say, two flutes. All the notation is fine. I want to hear the playback. I click on the playback tab and assign flute one to vst instrument one. No sound. I assign flute 2 to an added vst instrument 2 - no sound!. I try switching to the Garitan Aria player vst . same thing - no sound from either instrument. What am I doing wrong?

I am finding this learning curve from Finale to Dorico EXTREMELY steep!

Are you allowed (by the Discourse forum platform) to upload files yet?

(You’ll see this:)

It’s probably quicker for someone to help if we can see screenshots and/or your (zipped) Dorico project file.

The quickest way to get playback sounds set up correctly is to apply a playback template – if you downloaded all the sounds provided with your version, you can use those out of the box.

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In addition to @Lillie_Harris’s excellent advice, I would say that if you are a new user then start with using the Playback Templates: that’s just one menu command that will load all the sounds for you automatically, once you have the HALion Sonic plugin and sounds installed.

If you really want to use Garritan Aria player, then that is of course possible, but is more advanced, so I’d suggest spending some time getting familiar with Dorico first. See this thread for more information: Setting ARIA Player as default - #3 by dspreadbury