I'm unable to activate a Nuendo11>13 upgrade

With the eLicenser going away soon I just purchased the third of ten N11>13 upgrades. Unfortunately I’m unable to activate it, I’m hoping someone can assist. It seems every time I’m exposed to Steinberg Licensing it’s not working as it’s supposed to, perhaps it’s just me.

A - I’ve purchased the N11>N13 upgrade (access code hidden) -

B - Elicenser has done its online updates and shows the correct license on the usb eLicenser -

C - Per Steinberg instructions, in Download Assistant I enter the Download access Code which is accepted and generates an Access Code, and I click Upgrade -

D - ELicenser launches and auto-fills the Activation Code which I double checked matched the previous screen, I then clicked continue -

E - ELicenser tells me there is no valid license -

This chain happens through multiple reboots, re-synchronization of eLicense Control Center, etc. The “Nuendo 11 Grace period eligible” flag is not the reason because the last upgrade had the same flag.

Can anyone assist? It seems every time I attempt a Steinberg licensing action there’s an issue, this is another one. I hope it’s just me. I miss the eLicensers!


If you run the Steinberg Activation Manager, you should be able to login to your account (the same one you used with the Download Manager) and activate the license there… because it’s attached to your account, since the eLicenser is no more.


Hello MC,
Unfortunately that’s not the case.
As the pictures indicate I’m logged into our account, here’s a more obvious picture -

In SAM the license reads “verification pending” with an expiration date of 10-9 after which I’m guessing it just goes away despite being paid for. As the Steinberg help doc on this error states, the upgrade will not be activated until it upgrades the N11 eLicenser and change it to “N11 upgraded to Steinberg licensing” license as on our others. I followed that “pending” document the same as I have on past upgrades.
I’m attempting to get all 10 done before the eLicenser servers go away completely in a few months and so far each time there has been an issue.

I’m hoping someone can help, as the original pictures indicate the correct license is present, the upgrade has been purchased, and it cannot be used until the eLicenser license is changed.

Just out of curiosity - is this all on one computer?

If so, have you tried activating the various licenses elsewhere?

Hello MattiasNYC,
Thanks for the response.
Unfortunately another computer does not solve the issue. What I attempted this time -

A - put the eLicenser on the original production daw that normally uses this N11 eLicenser, updated eLicenser control center, confirmed the N11 license was present.

B - Ran Steinberg Download Assistant which updated several components, entered the download access code which was verified to be correct and populated the Activation Code field. Selected Upgrade.

C - ELicenser Control center auto launches as it’s supposed to with the activation code populated. Selected Continue.

D - I receive the same as the original picture - no valid licenses to upgrade which is not correct.

So ---- same result that I can’t get past -

  • Valid license
  • purchased upgrade
  • good download code
  • supposedly good activation code
  • Software can’t find a valid license despite it being present.
  • Time-limited “license pending”, can’t upgrade.

Anyone else?

Can you verify another thing though?

The way I would maybe look at this is that the screen you are talking about above shows the current state of licenses on that eLicenser, before and after your upgrade.

In other words when I look at your screenshots in your first post it shows (B) that you do have a license to upgrade, you go through what you are supposed to go through and then the image changes (E) to show that you don’t have a valid license to upgrade - because you just upgraded it.

That would be my guess.

To verify you would have to look elsewhere to see that the license has indeed upgraded, not in the eLicenser software.

Does that make sense?

And when I then look at the post with the image from your “Steinberg Activation Manager” I see three licenses where one is activated, one is not activated but is ready to be, and a third where verification is pending (whatever that means).

So if you upgraded three licenses in total then what you see in the Activation Manager seems correct. It is what tells you that an upgrade was successful, not the eLicenser necessarily.

Hello MattiasNYC,

Thanks again for your response. The SAM “verification pending” is a common issue when upgrading, it is waiting for the qualifying eLicenser license to be surrendered to be replaced by the “upgraded to Steinberg licensing” license permitting continued N11 use but no more eLicenser upgrades. The paid-for upgrade is available as a courtesy but only for a few weeks until that eLicense surrender occurs. If that makes sense. Here’s the Steinberg Help link -

The upgrade has not happened as far as I know due to two things -
1 - SAM indicates the license is pending which as previously mentioned has occurred before in our process and as the help doc indicates will not happen until the eLicenser license is used to activate it.
2 - eLicenser Control Center does not indicate the changed license. Here are the two pictures for comparison, one of a previous successful upgrade and this unsuccessful one -

And of course the obvious picture from above -

Still stuck, at some point I’ll have to contact support, I was hoping for assistance here because in the past support has not always been responsive.


Did you run the Grace Period Check in the Steinberg Activation manager? I am guessing your update won’t work because it doesn’t think the Nuendo 11 license is Nuendo 11 anymore (Grace Period Eligible).

When did you activate the license? It probably turned into a 12 (or 13?) license due to the grace period policy. If that is the case, the update you purchased from 11 won’t work.

How to verify eligibility for free Grace Period update – Steinberg Support

I’ve filed a support email, we’ll see what happens. Every time I have to interact with Steinberg licensing it’s difficult and I have 7 more systems to upgrade. And as I mentioned in the support email all of our 30+ daws are upgraded during breaks between show runs, and this daw must remain unusable until this is resolved because I need access to both the eLicenser and the eLicenser database on the daw for the upgraded eLicenser. More income lost over this Steinberg licensing transition.

Did you run the Grace Period Check in the Steinberg Activation manager? I am guessing your update won’t work because it doesn’t think the Nuendo 11 license is Nuendo 11 anymore (Grace Period Eligible).

Negative. As I previously mentioned the last upgrade was the same grace period license.
The license was an upgrade from N7>N10 (I think maybe) quite some time ago that was grace-period updated to N11.
But thank you for trying.


Okay. Good luck, then (I have no idea why you wouldn’t run the grace period check). Also, in Steinberg terms it’s update, not upgrade. Carry on …

You’re welcome :sunglasses: .