Import custom marker track / (new) note track

Thanks for responding after 2 years of me writing this :smiley:

Yeah, it would be still cool to have that. If you look at how Youtube is handling timecodes, the possibilities would be endless.

E.g. Cubase could detect timecodes in some pasted text/or your clipboard and then convert these into separate markers with a note attached. The notes I receive or make for my projects always look like this:

  • 00:01:23 - voices are too quiet

  • 00:01:40 - choose another take

  • 00:02:23 - fade out music earlier

I put these into apple notes so I can tick them off but yeah, having them directly inside cubase would so much nicer :+1:

Another thing: Movie cues. When you write a score for a TV show or movie as a composer, you will definately have to submit your music to a PRO at some point together with a cue sheet. As of now, I am always making a new project in which I import the score as a whole and then import the cycle marker track from the scoring project to help me set the marking points for the cues.

The next steps are:

  • deleting/adding cycle markers however they fit best

  • making sure the cue’s all fade to zero by cutting the audio clip and adding a tiny fadeout at the end

  • exporting the cues

  • exporting the final cycle marker track as an XML

  • uploading the XML to a website that I know and might be online or it might now…who knows? :man_shrugging:t4: CUBASE :: MARKERS TO CUE SHEET

  • converting the XML into a PDF so I can send it off to my producer who then submits it to the PRO

  • uploading all my cue audio files to the PRO

Obviously the most tricky part is the conversion into a PDF. So if there was a way to turn all cycle marker tracks into a beautifully formatted PDF… that would be incredible - and it would even set Cubase even more apart from other DAW’s like Logic or Pro Tools.

This could all be stuff accessible from the marker track editor window.