Import lyrics from midi file

Even if a MIDI file that contains lyrics data is imported by Dorico, the lyrics will not be imported within Dorico.
For example, if you import a MIDI file created with Vocaloid, etc. into Sibelius, the lyrics data will also be imported.
I hope this feature will be implemented in Dorico as well!

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve made a note of this, and we’ll add it to our backlog for future implementation.

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Sorry for the late reply.
Thanks for adding me to your backlog!
I am looking forward to that feature being implemented!

I’ve upgraded to Dorico Pro 4!
I was very impressed with the great update.
I was impressed with the great update, but the ability to import lyrics from midi was not added to the update. This feature was not added in the update, but I look forward to it being added in the future.

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