Import tracks from Projects - Doesn't copy all edits files & audio files

As in the Title. This is happening often in the latest Nuendo version and previous versions. Even though I select copy media files if I move or delete the folder that I imported files from on relaunch of the session there will be many missing files. Edits files also don’t seem to have a path in the pool for where they are linking from so I can’t link and prepare archive. Very dangerous and glad I caught it.

Some audio files may also go missing and they don;t show up as external files. My guess is Nuendo assumes they have been copied locally but are still referencing the older location. I even try to ensure I copy the sessions that may be from another computer onto the existing computer i’m copying too . A few times i’ve had to manual copy files into the current project folder but on large numbers of files its too time consuming. Right now my workaround is to use backup projects to ensure it copies everything into a new location.

This has happend to me also. It’s quite annoying!

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