Important Cubase preference "Mute Pre Send when Mute". Listen to muted send tracks!

why did you upload this YT video of yours? I don’t quite understand… maybe you can explain?

Because of the option in Preferences. Didn’t really think about it until I found out you could listen to muted sends. Sweet!

Thanks for posting this.

When would that be helpful?

For example: “You are drowning it in reverb!” Tweak while listening only to the reverb. No?

Hi @kim_froesnapper ,

Thanks for your kind reply.

I think I don’t understand the use case of muting a channel but keeping the ability to listen to its send.

Just an amateur here, with a limited workflow, so thanks for any thoughts/ comments I can learn from!

Makes total sense tweaking whatever effect you have on there.

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If in Cubase Pro… Set up the Control Room and use the Listen Bus.
Correctly set up, you can listen to any track, group track or FX-return channel in solo by hitting the Listen Button (L)