why did you upload this YT video of yours? I don’t quite understand… maybe you can explain?
Because of the option in Preferences. Didn’t really think about it until I found out you could listen to muted sends. Sweet!
Thanks for posting this.
When would that be helpful?
For example: “You are drowning it in reverb!” Tweak while listening only to the reverb. No?
Hi @kim_froesnapper ,
Thanks for your kind reply.
I think I don’t understand the use case of muting a channel but keeping the ability to listen to its send.
Just an amateur here, with a limited workflow, so thanks for any thoughts/ comments I can learn from!
Makes total sense tweaking whatever effect you have on there.
If in Cubase Pro… Set up the Control Room and use the Listen Bus.
Correctly set up, you can listen to any track, group track or FX-return channel in solo by hitting the Listen Button (L)