Importing keyboard shortcuts and plugin collections from Nuendo 11 into Nuendo 12

I upgraded from Nuendo 11 to Nuendo 12 today. All went fine, but I didn’t notice any option to import keyboard shortcuts or my customised plugin collections from the previous version. I really don’t want to have to recreate these again. Is there a shortcut method of doing this,? I have tried copying some of the files from the Steinberg folder into the new Nuendo 12_64 folder, but it has no worked yet. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. I am on Windows 10, i7, 16 GB of RAM.

User profile brings most of that over…

copy past and replace following files:
Key Commands.xml and PluginManager.xml
from directory:
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Nuendo 11_64
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Nuendo 12_64

*for the AppData folder to show, you need to enable the “Show hidden files, folders and driver” option, link to microsoft help site; Show hidden files - Microsoft Support.


Also, you can go to “Edit”—>”Profile Manager” and import your settings from 11. N11 and N12 use the same folder for these profiles I believe.

Thank you for your replies - very helpful! All fine now.

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