Importing musicxml from Soundslice, missing chord symbols

Hi all,

I had a problem importing musicxml files created from soundslice into Dorico. Everything worked fine, except for missing chord symbols. I’ve tried importing the same files into musescore, and the chords are indeed there, somewhere…

I’ve ensured that chord symbols should be visible on all layouts.

The problem is that SoundSlice is specifying that the “kind” of every chord symbol is “other”, and Dorico doesn’t know how to handle this. I’ll talk to Adrian at SoundSlice about this, and we’ll see if we can work together to improve chord symbol import from SoundSlice in future.


Amazing, thank you for looking into this!

I just noticed that Soundslice made some updates a few days ago, and I can confirm that MusicXML export seems to export chord symbols compatible with Dorico. Many thanks!

Yes, this is all due to the amazing responsiveness of Adrian and his colleagues at SoundSlice. I mentioned it to him and he worked on it the very next day. He’s brilliant (and so is SoundSlice!).