is there a way to customize filename generation when rendering a project into many audio files (based on the CD markers) in Wavelab 8.5.10?
It seems that Wavelab uses the names of the CD title marker sections to generate the filenames. I would like to have filenames based on metadata variables instead, for example “@TrackIndex@ - @CdTrackTitle@” (followed by the appropriate extension like .mp3 or .flac).
Otherwise, the files will be sorted alphabetically in the filesystem, and believe me, there are MP3 car radios that will not look at the ID tags but at the filename to decide in which order to play the titles…
In the future, for the numbering, make sure the box in the bottom right is checked to “add numeric prefix” in the render options box before rendering (see attached picture).
I always make sure the CD track markers in the montage are named exactly what the CD-Text and official song title needs to be so when I render WAV or mp3 files, I can simply have Wavelab add the numeric prefix and the file names come out as I need them.
Metadata presets can handle tagging the audio files with the actual metadata.
Hey @Justin_Perkins , I was looking for a way to have the mp3 tracks numbered but couldn’t find this option in WL 11.1 .
Ths post is old, so I believe the option was moved somewhere else.
Any clue?
Yes, this is a very old post and it’s easily done now. With the Naming Scheme option in the Render Ribbon Tab, you can have WaveLab add a numeric prefix to the rendered file name based on the CD Track number.
You can do this all quickly with Naming Scheme Presets combined with Render Presets. See attached.
All my presets and settings are also available here:
There are also videos that explain in detail how to do things like this.