Incompatible Scoring Engine

Every time I try to open the new scoring editor, I get an error that says, “Incompatible Scoring Engine”, and then Cubase crashes. Using latest version of Cubase 14, latest version of Windows 11. I’ve included the Crash file below:

Cubase 14.0.5 64bit2025.1.21 (2.3 MB)

I haven’t explored your dump, but the latest Cubase version is 14.0.10 while you have 14.0.5
Please, try to install (or re-install) the very latest version.

The crash dump shows that the ScoringEngine.dll is crashing, but the real cause seems to be the Chrome browser. There is obviously some interaction between the Scoring Engine and the Chrome browser, so as a first test I would completely deinstall Chrome and then see if that fixes it

If that helps install the latest release of Chrome again and see if it is still working.

Of course you should update Cubase to the latest release 14.0.10 as well.

The ScoringEngine is from Cubase 14.0.10, but the crash dump is from 14.0.5. Maybe Cubase was still running in the background when you installed the update? I suggest reinstalling 14.0.10

@PaulWalmsley What confuses me here while looking at the crash dump is, what role does Chrome play here in the Scoring Engine?

It’s very odd, I’ve never seen that before, but it’s actually the Cubase process, not Chrome. The file location and version is consistent with the C14.0.5 release

   Loaded symbol image file: Chrome.exe
    Image path: C:\Program Files\Steinberg\Cubase 14\Chrome.exe
    Image name: Chrome.exe
    Browse all global symbols  functions  data  Symbol Reload
    Timestamp:        Mon Oct 28 17:01:29 2024 (671FC369)
    CheckSum:         07F18259
    ImageSize:        08014000
    Index Key:        (GUID) 89667DB9C647425B99B18F459861C236
    File version:
    Product version:

Ah, I will tell you guys exactly what it is. I am running a workaround, discovered by one of our forum members, to get smooth scrolling working in Cubase with Logitech drivers. It involves making a copy of the file name, renaming it Chrome.exe, and then opening from a shortcut on my desktop. I can’t think that this would be related as there is virtually no other side effects of doing this. But it does seem I may have forgot to make a new copy after I updated Cubase to the latest version, so I will try that and report back.

This is a really strange workaround, as far as I know the Logitech software allows you to configure various apps. At least I would never rename any files of a product because that is clearly asking for trouble.

As you you can see it has severe side effects. You’ve created crashes that are caused by incompatible file releases. The installer has no idea what a Chrome.exe file is and leaves it in the folder and now you have an incompatible mixture.

Honestly, this is a “workaround” for trouble, not more.

Smooth scrolling does not work with Cubase regardless of any setting or configuration done with Logitech software. It’s just broken. Always has been. Here is a thread about it and the workaround that I described above. It is quite literally the only thing that works.

Super Smooth Scrolling on Windows w/ Logitech Mouse - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

I made sure that my Chrome.exe file was pointing toward the 14.0.10 and that did the trick. Score editor is now working, as is everything else. So it was just an oversight on my part. Thanks all!

See here

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same here on C14.0.10.
WIN11/no Logitech involved, but Chrome installed on PC.
scoring still works in C13…