Doing my first steps with Dorico SE to work on a barbershop arrangement. I was happy to see that there is “Barbershop” project template. Attempting to use it, I notice that Tenor and Lead both look correct with the treble-clef 8-below as common in barbershop. All if fine with Tenor, but Lead sounds one octave too high, ignoring the 8-below. As far as I can see, this it not an issue of the project template but of the instrument definition “Lead”. I don’t know whether “Lead” is intended to be defined exclusively for male barbershop? Or is it just meant as generic lead singer, in which case it should probably allow some flexibility to adjust for vocal range. In any case, the template should certainly work out-of-the-box, which it currently does not.
This error was reported quite some time ago. I’m surprised it isn’t fixed yet.
I would swap the Lead out for another (properly transposing) tenor and then change the Player/instrument name to make the sheet music look right.
The Tenor allows a choice of the playback octave and is correctly configured in the Barbershop template. The clear error here is in the Lead instrument which offers no choice but to display an 8, but does not respect it in the playback, so it is always inconsistent.
The instrument definition for Lead is not set up the same as the Tenor.
From the Setup page, click n the arrow next to Lead, then the “…” to access the menu. Choose “Edit Instrument Definition”…”
Scroll down to “Transposition” and change both settings from C4 to C3. While you’re there you should also adjust the Range properties to start around A2 and end around A4. (Normal Lead range - in this scenario - would be Bb2 toF4.) This will keep the “out of range” indicator from incorrectly showing on your score. You should probably give the Tenor a little more headroom too - at least Bb4 or C5.