Hi there, happy new year!
I’m running into a workflow issue with my bettermaker mastering eq (and soon to be compounded with the mastering limiter I just purchased)
Basically my issue is that for workflow reasons it’s a major pain to put an instance of the bettermaker eq plugin on each clip. This is because random instances of the plugin within the montage will auto-connect to the hw and as such I need to jump around to find the connected instance, disconnect from the hardware via that plugin instance, and then start over hunting around until the correct instance decides to connect. Massively frustrating.
On gearspace some MEs recommended putting a single plugin instance on the DAW output section and automating which “snapshot” (aka temporary preset) is used per track. So I’ve started doing that but because WL doesn’t accept automation on the track or output level, I need to select the correct snapshot manually which leaves a bit too much room for error.
So I suppose I’m wondering if anyone here has found a better way (no pun!) to incorporate the bettermaker hardware/plugin workflow within WL. And/ or if there are plans to introduce track/output automation in an upcoming update?