Increase max 64 instruments limit + accidental automation drawing


First and foremost huge thanks to the Steinberg team for their work so far to deliver such a great software!

Personally I have a couple of requests to the developers that would make my workflow much easier and efficient.
Working mainly in film music composition and production, sound design has become an essential part of the work and busy templates have become the norm.
It happened already a few times that the limit of 64 instruments slots has become a problem. Especially because the tendency is to keep all the projects open and ready for edits from customers before delivering the final masters and/or for custom requests.
So, recording a midi part into an audio track to free an instrument slot, not having anymore the opportunity to edit that part, it is an impossible choice.

  • Would it be possible to expand the number of instruments slots to 96 or ideally 128? That would be fantastic!

Another big problem Iā€™m constantly dealing with is the accidental change of the volume or edit value, in the edit window, on tracks which show an horizontal automation line, with no automation applied yet (volume or any other editing value); the audio output track of a virtual instrument as an example, or some automation lines ready to be edited when needed.
The problem happens when passing with the mouse on any of them while scrolling the window and accidentally clicking on one of those lines. When that happens, a random automation point is created often not corresponding with the previous value setting.
When undoing that (cmd+z) the new automation point is removed, BUT the value of the editing line (volume or any other edit) does not go back to the previous one and there is no way to know the setting now lost.

  • Would it be possible that the undo option, sets the line back to its previous value together with the automation point removal?
    I would be immensely grateful for that!

Thanks again for your great work!

All the best!

Add the optional feature-request tag to your post, please.

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