Independent visibilty for upper and lower panels

I absolutely love the new lower panel! Having the project and mixer visible at the same time is such a bonus, and having faders, inserts and sends on separate views harks back to what I miss most from the old mixer.

It’s great having the lower panel and F3 mixer independently remembering their visibility states. I now have F3 reserved for Routing and other less-used stuff, and as a consequence rarely need to use it. Result is that workflow has improved immeasureably!

There’s something I’m finding a nuisance, though. In the main window, Visibility settings apply to both upper and lower panels, so I can’t work on my BV channels, say, unless I want to mess up my working setup on the mixer.

I would like to be able to work on stuff without having to see it in the mixer. Can the Visibility panel settings be shown according to panel focus, so we can avoid cluttering the mixer?

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

