Inexplicable problems, please help

YOu sold us this Cubase 13 update! THIS IS NOT A PRODUCT this is beta! WE are beta testers now? Whats wrong with you? NO update for mac os so long time! IMPOSSIBLE to work with this version because so many bug on mac os! Online tickets not working in your company! give me back my money and take back this upade or do something with this beta Cubase 13. I will work with 12 it so much better

I have nuendo 12 also and this is day and night! Rock solid. Cubase 13 very bad

I prefer to be in the laggard part of the bell curve.


Yeah me too. If you have work to do then wait. If you just like messing about then go for it early,

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I’m sorry for your mood.

Do you have any specific issues, we can help you with here on the public forum, please?

OOO i have tons of issues

SOLO and MUTE multiple tracks working erratic > some tracks muted some soloing i can’t understand how it working now. BUGS

It crashes many time while bouncing (especially in background if i select any another program’s window)
It crashes on using ARA spectralayars, it crashes in many other situations.

Macros selected tracks to new folder : I can’t name a group immediately -i need to tap in Name box now. Slowdown workflow. Before I can name a group immediately after use a macros
and so on and so on


You don’t understand, or is it a bug? Describe, what you do, what you get and what would you expect. Then we can tell you, what’s going on.

Attach the *.dmp/ips file(s), please.

Mac: macOS Console utility > Crash Reports (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).
Win: %userprofile%/Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps

Make sure, you have the latest SpectraLayers installed, please. Attach the *.dmp/ips file(s), please.

Attach the *.dmp/ips file(s), please.

This is a known and already reported issue. Thank you.

about solo and mute? I understand that it is a BUG! If i select some multiple tracks and press solo with shif+alt i want to SOLO that specific tracks! mute the same. Sometimes it work sometimes happen very strange things

AND: I use option: select event automaticaly select a track with this event.
ok nice. I select an event-cubase select a track… NIce…I press S (solo command) and Cubase soloing ANOTHER track! Why? again! SOMETIMES it working ok. Sometimes this happen. TODAY it is working good! But next time I will record a video about it

By the way-NUENDO 12 on same Machine working fine

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 17.58.16
download assistent tell me that Internet connecion is failed! VERY NICE!

Do you have the latest release of the Download Assistant? You need at least V1.35.0

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