Input notes etc via midi keyboard?

Dorico Pro 5, Addictive Drums VST

I’m a bit confused on the keyboard layout for the drumset. Can someone verify the key assignments for the drumset? I provided a pic which i believe is a standard drum map.

According the the drum map, the keyboard entry does not follow this convention.

Screenshot provided for Percussion:Note Input and Editing

not sure what I"m missing in the setup.

Hi Dan,
could you please take a look at what i’m doing?
Drum Legend-AddictiveDrums.dorico (539.3 KB)


Looking at Library->Percussion Maps I see what’s going on with the midi key mapping depending on what map is choosen.

So looks like i may want to create my own percussion map for Addictive Drums. Since the key assignments are spread out on the keyboard, I rather keep everything closer together if I’m going to use the keyboard.

So I made the percussion map for Addictive Drums and made sure the Playing Techniques are correct. . I’m going around in circles. In write mode, using either the drum pad and virtual keybd still not mapping correctly and note not placed correctly on the staff?

Sorry for the post, still learning. Dorico :thinking:

Addictive Drums has a GM setting. Far right top menu (Map Window → Presets). Choose GM and make sure the GM percussion map is set for the kit in the score.

ok. I was going with an empty map. GM is a typical map for the drumset from what i read.

Am i looking at this all wrong. So I don’t need top create a Dorico Percussion Map specifically for AD2?

If you don’t have anything AD2-specific, the normal GM percussion map will work just fine (assuming AD2 is in GM mode, see above). I only suggest this method as it’s the quickest and easiest to get up and running.

aaah OK overthinking again LOL.

So I set in the Track Inspector ->.Ex Map to Default; Percussion map to GM. The Routing to Addictive Drums. AD2 is displayed and set the Map to GM.

In AD2 learn mode, select the kit piece. Write mode: On the virtual keyboard , hit the key corresponding to the kit piece. All good.

But (of course there’s always a but :thinking:), the note(s) are not being displayed using virtual kybd. If i use the Drum Pad, the notes are displayed?

appreciate your help !!

Are you saying when you press a key on the virtual keyboard, in write mode, no notes are entered in the score?

I’m going to have to plead ignorance as I’ve never used the virtual keyboard for anything. Drum Pad pane is the way to go for inputting drums.

hi ,
yeah very wierd.

I’m like yourself, always used the mouse or in this case the the Drum Pad are pretty nice. Thought i try out my Piano for Midi input.

thankx for your help to get me going again. :v:

I’ll see if Daniel in Support can make sense of it.

@dspreadbury any reason for the virtual kydb not displaying notes?

hi so disregarding the midi keyboard for now.

Uaing the GM mapping is great. I actually added additional snare and hihat Playing Techniques in the empty midi note entries in which AD2 also defines. Works out great.

thankx for your inputs :v:

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@derAbgang Hey David, I figured out why the midi keyboard wasn’t working.

I also have eDrumin trigger interface modules connected. Looking at Perferences->Play->Midi Input Devices, the eDrumin module was selected and not the midi keyboard :+1:

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