I had initial difficulty inputing the 64th notes in the following because I could find no 64th note in the rhythmic grid. I could only solve this by inserting the 64th rest with Force Duration. Is there a better way to handle entering 64th and higher values notes after rests? And why does the rhythmic grid stop at 32nd notes?
Just choose the 64th note, and press Space to advance the caret by that value. (I think I customised it to work with Numpad 0, thus mimicking Finale’s rest input a bit.)
You don’t need force duration. If the caret is at the last 16th (by clicking/arrowing there, or simply by reaching it after inputting the previous note), just select 64th as the input value (type 2 — unless you mapped this key to something else, as many people do…) and type space. The caret advances one 64th and is ready to accept notes at the right position. (Edit: Ben beat me)
That’s nice to know. In the past I had been entering a note there and then erasing it later to get the rest.
Very nice. Thank you Ben and PjotrB. I notice that it works with keyboard input, but not with the mouse.
Derrek, that’s what I did first; then tried Force Duration.
Don’t get why the the grid stops at 32nd notes, though.
Are you trying to use the mouse to enter notes? As with Finale, using the mouse for note entry is slow, and you can’t do everything that way.
Not sure, but as said, you can still advance the caret by the currently selected note duration, regardless of the grid. Here, I’m a few 64ths into a minim division of the grid.
Not very elegant, but you can always enter a “dummy” 64th right on the beat, finish the phrase, then delete the dummy 64th to change it to a rest.
I like to always show implicit rests in grey. Then when I do need to force a rest, I can clearly see the difference.
How that applies to this thread: It’s also a reminder that we don’t need to write the rests. The Space bar skips by the current rhythmic value, and Dorico draws the correct rests around the notes.
Of course. Hitting Space will skip Time… Einstein was right all along
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Heh, I guess that is pretty much exactly what you previously suggested. I actually often end up using the “dummy note” technique for triplets that begin with a rest too. I almost always use pitch-first input and I have a one-click triplet (3:2) command via a json hack, so it’s usually faster just to use it and keep inputting than to stop and type 3/2q (or e or whatever). I’ll just go back and delete the “dummy note” after that phrase.
I also did the dummy note thing that Derrek mentioned, and that worked OK.
I am not only trying, but actually succeeding, except with this case. But kidding aside, I am cleaning up an imported MusXML, my standard way of inputting the notes I am editing, and the mouse works very well for that. I used to use hyperscribe in Finale for original things; so I’ve never learned much keyboard input. Some day when it becomes necessary.