Hi @KYUMIN_SHIM - it sounds like frame selectors will be partly what you’re looking for, as they allow you to select exactly what music you want to show in a specific frame.
For example, if you don’t need to reuse these pages’ designs elsewhere, you could just set this up as local page overrides, which in some ways is simpler to work with whilst you get familiar with the tools because it’s more directly “what you see is what you get”.
So, you could -
Assign to this layout all the flows and players you’ll want to show at any point in the layout (to put all that music “at your disposal”, like paint splodges on a palette)
On the left page, draw a music frame that’s the size/shape you want for the piano music
In that layout music frame’s selectors, select just the piano player and flow that’s got the music you want to show
Do the same for the right page, but select the necessary flow(s) and player(s) for your lead sheet
You may also need to hide players in other flows in the layout, if eg an earlier flow has some of the lead sheet players in, but you don’t want to show them there
Finally, this might not be exactly appropriate to your project, but this Discover Dorico session by John Barron might help explain some tips and tricks you can employ?
in some reason your method doesn’t work here, and I think I need better explanation what I want to archive.
so I’m making few pages of instruction pdf so there is only one instrument " piano ".
few pages contains few bars of examples and text tool bar that explains things.
and I want to add pages with blank grand piano staff as I forgot to mention few things, also add pages with blank treble clef to just write down some chords progression.
btw, your explanation works beautifully if I want to re-use some some of materials from another page, now I start to understand “flow” and more things.
Make sure the option Show blank staves in systems identical to preceding flow is activated on the Page Setup page of Layout Options. I think that will help in this circumstance.
I did but it doesn’t work. I think as I remove “page overrides” for this specific page as I wanted to remove this page(that I tried to insert between already made pages) that makes your instruction doesn’t work.
since you’re here let me ask few more!
Somehow when I remove page overrides on page 2, it still shows as 2 in the screenshot but on main window that shows scores it moved to page3 Also I want to delete page but it even doesn’t work… kind of frustrated but need to find out what to do.
when I go to “Setup” and uncheck Full score, only Text boxes are shown. is there something wrong with this? I’m not sure yet how Layout works in Dorico.
That sounds odd – can you share the project file itself for us to take a look?
What you unticked the full score with the Piano player selected on the left, what you did was remove the piano from the full score. That tells Dorico: don’t show this player’s music in the score. So it doesn’t! Here’s some information about the relationships between players, layouts, and flows.
You’re left with text at the tops of pages because those pages already had overrides, which lock them in place. If the page overrides weren’t there, you’d get a blank screen (because there’s no players assigned to the score layout, so Dorico has nothing to show)
It would be helpful to see the file, to see exactly what’s going on. It’s possible that you added text frames to p1 directly, resulting in page overrides, then used staff spacing to move the music around the text? But when you removed the piano from the score, that reset the staff spacing overrides. There’s probably a better way to achieve this result (eg by splitting the music into multiple music frames that you position around the text frames, rather than dragging the staves themselves) – if you share your project, it’ll be easier to see.
Hi @KYUMIN_SHIM – thanks for sharing your project.
Yes, you have staff spacing overrides here, which will get lost if you remove the player from the layout, or add a new page at the start (because these overrides are linked to the page they originally occurred on).
Here’s your project back with an alternative method of getting the text in: namely, using text items. They exist as part of the music, so Dorico automatically makes space for them, and if the music moves, the explanations move (whereas text frames will remain exactly where you left them on the page, even if the surrounding music is now different).
I might not have put them in exactly the right place, but hopefully you get the idea.
so you didn’t use text Frame here I think. I clicked what you did and it was text (shift X right?)
I’m trying it right now on next page for explanation. it works great!
Thank you so much
now I’ll be back here if I have more question.
I’ll try insert pages this time!
now what I want to do here is, instead of show just plain stave I want them to be like piano staves with time signature, and few measures so that I can write down piano voicing.