Insert Mode: How do you use yours?

I’ve been exploring the turbo-charged Insert Mode—very impressive.

It’s a feature I’m interested in, but not something I’d previously used. I’m sure I’ll find it helpful, but I wanted to ask how others use Insert Mode—either as a tool when composing or when engraving existing music.

I use Insert Mode when cleaning up an out of sync .xml import.

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I use it to expand and contract measures of free-time in planchant transcriptions.

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I use it compositionally to add space when the texture becomes too dense.

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I use it when I realize I screwed up.

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I also use it, not infrequently, when I’m entering hymns in one voice at a time and things get off either because I forgot to change a note value, or as frequently happens, I play too fast and certain notes don’t register, so I have to go back and add them in random places and shift all the music after that point. Insert mode has saved me more times than I can count.


I use it to create edit points for sync - I think that it is a lot easier to ask players to follow a slightly different or extended time signature in one measure than it is to ask them to slow down precisely from 123 to 117 BPM or whatever.

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Changing time signature 100% - so much easier than trying to add extra bars then changing time sig then deleting them etc. - here I can just add a couple of beats and a 4/4 becomes a 6/4. Yay! Can’t say I’ve used the little red line of death yet though



I have, on day one. And I LOVE it.


Having that same problem. How is it done?

I use the red line most often when I enter a passage in step-time entry with the wrong rhythmic values. This happens to me more often that it should! I pout the red line at the end of the passage, select those pesky 8th notes that should have been 16ths, then press i then 4. I use to do this only if there was no music after the selection, but this added freedom is a welcome addition.


And it’s great to correct tuplets when input in Photoscore or whatever XML import… It’s so easy now to correct those damn tuplets!!!

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Thanks for all your comments.
Lots of good ideas for how I might use Insert mode.
Much appreciated.

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