hello, Cubase 13, Windows 11
when inserting silence into an established composition, it throws off all subsequent time and tempo changes. is there a way to do this without that happening?
thanks for any help.
hello, Cubase 13, Windows 11
when inserting silence into an established composition, it throws off all subsequent time and tempo changes. is there a way to do this without that happening?
thanks for any help.
Hi Wayne, welcome to the forum!
Select the area with the Range tool and then press Shift + X to cut this area. Afterwards, just hit delete.
If you use Insert Silence you will add additional time consisting of, well, silence
Thanks for responding, Reco29.
But that isn’t what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to create empty space so that I could compose additional music and or edit what I’ve composed. But when I do that, it disrupts time signature and tempo for the rest of the composition.
Oh sorry, I must have confused your thread with another one - you clearly pointed out what you are looking for.
If you insert silence (Ctrl+Shift+E), please make sure to select all tracks with the Range Tool from top to bottom.
If you select single tracks with the Range Tool than Insert Silence is only applied to these specific tracks. In other words: If Tempo and Time signature tracks are not selected they will not be affected and shifted accordingly.
I hope this answer is better than the one before…
Thanks again for your reply
Unfortunately that still offsets the signature and tempo changes.
If there isn’t a way to do this, I guess we better be darn confident that our composition is perfect before continuing Haha
It definetly works here (C14 Pro Win 10) as it is supposed to be. Can someone second that it doesn’t work in C13? I’m not in the studio right now.
@Wayne_Coville Did you use the Range Tool? Can you please post a screenshot of the section that is affected?
Thanks so much for the effort you’re putting in to help me out.
Please see the attached screenshots as requested. )have to send one at a
time as per the forus rules for being a new user)
Please note how the time signature markers no longer lineup with their
corresponding bit of music after the extra time has been inserted (which so
far is all MIDI).
I’m hoping this is just user error. Thanks again!
Hello Wayne,
screenshots are always a good idea.
In your case the de-allignment stems from two things: The first is that Cubase puts signature events always to the beginning of a bar. The second is that you have your project (ruler) set to “seconds”, not to “bars + beats”.
This way, when you insert time, you insert a certain amount of seconds and the signature events will get auto-quantized to the next bar afterwards.
Switch your primary time display to bars + beats and insert time (bars) then.
EDIT: Correction, switch the ruler to bars + beats…
Thank you but it still has the same affect. I tried all iterations of possible measuring options. Still throws off the markers.
I think it has to do with you having different time signature in the area of the locators.
Maybe it works better if you put the play cursor at the position where you want to insert something and select Project → Signature Track → Process Bars Dialog…
and then tell Cubase there how many bars you want to insert.
That’s it! That’s what I needed! Thank you everyone for all your help!