Insert time?

I know you can delete time, but can you insert it. Not found in manual.
I have my most complex piece with lots of times signature and tempo changes, polyrhythms, etc.,orchestrated from originally an piano piece. As I was playing one measure of the score I noticed it sounded strange. It was as a measure of 5/2 like the following measure but something sounded wrong. When I went to my handwritten original score that was so hard to map out, I found it was really a measure of 11/4 and that why the beats didn’t match the click. so then I saw that if I changed the time signature to 11, then the beginning of the next measure, which was 5/2 was now in the 11 /4 measure and everything subsequent was misaligned.


Yes, the very same way as you can delete it. The very same process, the very same menu. Just choose Insert instead of Delete.

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I realized that this isn’t going to be the solution in this situation, but there are other times I have wanted to. but if I go to edit>range> I see delete time, but delete silence, paste time -no delete time. Is there another menu route?


What exactly do you mean?

I mean I see no insert time in the menu. Insert silence isn’t the same thing is it?

It is. It will insert empty bars.

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Paste Time > inserts copied event(s) and moves all following events further backwards
Insert Silence > inserts actual silence and moves all following events further backwards

EDIT: It is called PASTE Time and not INSERT Time in the English Cubase Version. Thanks @m.c ! I am working with both the English and the German versions. Seems that Germans have to be more resourceful with the few words they have :wink:

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Yes, this is Paste Time. Edit: Can’t remember right now if it really shifts next events or if pastes upon them…

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Lost in translation…: the German version does not differentiate the associated verb, it is both “einfügen” (english insert or paste). Hence, the confusion:

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Ah, I see :slight_smile: this explains also Martin’s response concerning identical words.

Haha, something was ringing in the back of my head when I typed “Insert time”. Since I rely solely on key commands and I am working with the German version right now I could not put the finger on it. I just had the feeling in the back of my head that something was off. Now, I know :wink:


Shift it is.

Based on replies, I experimented. I went into a project some measures, drew a range and found insert silence created an empty space, so that seems the solution.

Paste time was grayed out, so I assume time would have to be selected first somehow, I suppose by cutting.

By Cutting or Copying.

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Not quite the solution. I have a song project I want to play along with but it starts immediately at M1, so I miss the downbeat and don’t have a good feel for the 1st measure.

So I drew a range of the first measure and then chose range insert silence. When I heard a bass start before it got to the 1st measure, I scrolled down and saw some tracks didn’t move forward, while others did. So I thought I need to select everything. I did so with the same result. So it desynchronized tracks. I tried dragging over all tracks and selecting all events and same result.

Never experienced this. Whether I have random tracks or parts selected, folders open or closed, the time or number of bars inserted does what you’d expect. I often do as you wanted do do in your example, without issues.
I will say that if the locator range is within a (lengthy) part, that part will be split.

Maybe Process Bars will do the trick for you

More information about Process Bars

Kudos to @Johnny_Moneto for coming up with that idea in a recent thread :wink:

For Insert Silence, all you need to set are the Left and Right Locators. There’s no need to make a Range selection.
Regarding the tracks that did not move forward, any chance these tracks were locked?

I did just set the locators to the 1st measure. but you have to go to range in edit still don’t you?

the tracks were locked. very insightful, thanks.

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