Why is Low and Hi cut filter not visible in the left hand inspector ?
i almost never use the EQ in the inspector because visibility is no ideal to me. The only thing i would use it is to see the low/hi cut filters.
else i just open the Channel settings.
Same here. This way, it will be also possible to disable/enable those filters from the Inspector (like in the MixConsole).
Oh, and @Steinberg, while you’re at it: PLEASE make the filters’ slopes Q-Link-able.
As it is now, we have to switch
each …
and …
every …
single …
channel …
individually …
by …
hand …
to have all tracks pre-filtered by a - say - 24dB/Oct. Lo-Cut on each channel instead of the default 12dB. 8-]
This must be an oversight.
Okay now in the new Cu13 the channel EQ tab in the inspector just shows all the pre modules.
But other things in the inspector just get a huge backward step…